7 easy ways to increase the value of your home

Whether you’re looking to sell right now or later down the track, it pays to keep your home up to date.

If you own a property, chances are you’re hoping it will one day be worth more than you paid for it. And while much about a property’s value relies on things like location, population growth, infrastructure and the mercy of a fluctuating market, there are some things within your control that you can alter to increase your home’s value.

It’s often the smallest changes that have the biggest impact, so don’t feel as though you have to undertake a full-scale renovation to make a return. In fact, when renovating for profit it’s very important to avoid overcapitalising.

Here, we run through 8 affordable things you can do to make your home more appealing to buyers as well as increase its value.

1. A new paint job

A new coat of paint if the easiest and most cost-effective way to refresh the look of your home while boosting value. Decide whether you want to redo the whole house or focus on a couple of rooms, or perhaps a feature wall?

As for the colour, it’s been said that ivory is the one colour that will add value to your home.

2. Increase storage space

Unless you’re converting to hardcore minimalism, zero storage space is going to be a massive shortfall for potential buyers.

Think open shelves in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry, Additionally, installing hooks on the back of doors is another simple convenience that’s often overlooked.

3. Improve the outdoor area

An outdoor space is perfect for entertaining will increase the desirability of your home.

While shade and shelter are essential, fire pits have also become a popular addition to many backyards.

4. Install a heat pump and check appliances are up-to-date

Ensuring that the home is warm and dry throughout the year will help add value to your home.

While also making sure the appliances are up-to-date and newish will help your existing home compete with new builds on the market.

5. Simple swaps

It’s possible to create a whole new bathroom look without renovating. Small, but modern updates, such as replacing handles and taps is a simple way to elevate the appearance of this room.

Consider painting tiles if they look old, or grubby. If your vanity is outdated, replacing it will make a remarkable difference to the feel of the room.

6. Street appeal

How your home looks from the street influences desirability. Adding a fence can be expensive but won’t necessarily increase the value of your home. However, it would be worth fixing and painting any existing fences around the property.

Additionally, replacing or painting your front door a different colour will boost your curb aesthetic for little cost.

7. Décor and interior design

Adding things like cushions, rugs and throws can make a big difference to the look and feel of your home. Update lampshades and consider some artwork.

If you are selling your home, it’s essential for potential buyers to be able to see the space as somewhere they could potentially live.

Guest UserHayden Homes Nz